Change for a Dollar

What's this about

Change for a Dollar is a ministry that empowers attenders of Washington Avenue Christian Church to share the love and hope of Jesus with our local community by encouraging them to invest in the lives of their friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. When a need arises, financial and project needs are met through each person’s gift of $1 every Sunday or through volunteer service hours, and offering resources that will not only eliminate the immediate need but also eradicate the cause of that need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Change for a Dollar money is an amount of money collected every Sunday to radically change the lives of the people in the community around us. Every Sunday we ask people to give just $1 per person, per family on top of their regular giving. $1 is somewhat irrelevant, but 500 one-dollar bills could radically change someone’s life. That’s the purpose of the Change for a Dollar money; to allow others in our community to know that there is a group of people who love them and that Jesus loves them.

When a need is present in the life of a neighbor, co-worker, friend or relative we would like for you to fill out a Change for a Dollar Request form. Those forms can be located at the Information Desk located in the main lobby of the church. You can also fill out our Online Request Form. You can turn those request forms in at the Information Desk, the Guest Connection Desk, or in any of the Offering Boxes in the Sanctuary.

Next to the doors in the sanctuary, there are black boxes where you can place your $1 bills. If you have monetary denominations that are larger than a dollar that you would like to designate for Change for a Dollar, you can put that amount in the giving envelope found in the pew back. Just designate it “Change for a Dollar” and place it in the black boxes. You can also write checks to “Washington Avenue Christian Church” and designate in the memo line, “Change for a Dollar.” Another way you can give to Change for a Dollar is online at and designate your gift to Change for a Dollar. 

As we receive the requests we put them in a database allowing a committee to see who has a need, what the need is, and who submitted the request form making us aware of the need. When that request form is received you will receive an email letting you know that we’ve gotten your request and are looking it over.

Change for a Dollar money goes directly from you, to be counted and assessed, and then it is distributed to the needs in our community.

If your request is selected, we will contact you to deliver to the co-worker, family or friend that is in need, or to help facilitate volunteers for the project. If it is finances, then we will write a check for the need, but give the check to you to deliver. If it is a project, we will contact a crew of volunteers and schedule a time with you to be a part of accomplishing the task. We desire this to be an opportunity for you to allow the people in your life with needs to know that Jesus loves them. For a minister they’ve never met to meet a need for them wouldn’t hold the same representation as a friend they do life with.

We are made aware of the needs in our community from you filling out a Change for a Dollar request form. If it’s a financial need, fill out a green card in the lobby. If it’s a project need, fill out a blue card in the lobby. You can also fill out our Online Request Form.

We would love for you to let us know how the delivery of the need went. It is such an edifying thing for the church to know the stories of healing and grace that are offered through the opportunities of the Holy Spirit and His leading.