
You Belong

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Our Mission

Presenting the Kingdom in Progressing Relationships through Purposeful Mentoring and Partnering with Parents.

Our Purpose 

Embassy Student Ministry exists to create an environment for purposeful mentorship that leads to a progressing relationship with Christ and empowers students to be ambassadors by presenting the kingdom of heaven and its message to their neighbor.

How do we do it?

With age-appropriate programming based entirely on a small group model, your student will feel welcomed quickly and effectively. Our big push at Embassy Student Ministries (ESM) is to give each student a small group leader (SGL) who can provide purposeful mentoring. It is our purpose to create an environment where your student can not only learn from teaching and worship but also process in a safe space with an adult who has had years of experience as a Christ-follower.
Through weekly gatherings on Wednesdays @ 7-9pm for high schoolers, and Sundays @9:30-10:30am for middle schoolers, your student will be involved in large group teaching and small-group discussions that always point to Jesus and to helping your students grow towards authentic faith.

We know one of the best ways to fulfill our purpose is by partnering with parents to disciple students. We do our best to provide a safe, friendly, loving environment full of leaders who want your students to know they are known, valued, and loved. We want to be a resource to you and your family as you are preparing to send your students out into the world.

Small Groups

Embassy small groups are the core of everything in our ministry. We truly believe that you can't grow spiritually if you don't grow relationally. Through purposeful, consistent small groups, we believe your students will not only grow closer to each other, but to Christ as well.

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