The Most Dangerous Place | Meant For Good (Part 10) (Shane Wyly)

July 11, 2021

Sometimes when you read a passage of the Bible, it leaves us with more questions than answers. When that happens, one of the best things to do is to act like a tourist in a foreign country. Put yourself in the original audiences’ shoes and ask, “What would this mean to me if I were them?” In this week’s passage, it doesn’t look like much is going on, other than just the advancement of the story, but when we put our Israelite sandals on, a portion of this passage should leap off the page to us. God tells Jacob that “from Egypt” he would prosper Israel. But, Egypt = slavery. So, what do we do with this? Well, we let it remind us that the safest place to be is always directly within God’s will, and that the call for God’s people has always been a call to suffer and die to self.